A simple tilemap doesn't need to use the Tiled editor. It uses an array of
numbers to keep track of tile types.
from __future__ import annotations
from .. import Component, Rectangle
from .... import Vector, Surface, Draw
from copy import deepcopy
[docs]class SimpleTilemap(Component):
A simple tilemap doesn't need to use the Tiled editor. It uses an array of numbers to keep track of tile types.
tilemap: A 2D array of integers representing the tilemap.
tiles: A list of surfaces representing the tiles. The index of the surface in the list is the number used in the
tilemap array.
tile_size: The size of each tile in the tilemap. Defaults to (32, 32).
collision: A list of integers representing the tiles that should have collision. Defaults to [].
collider_tag: A list of strings representing the tags of the colliders. The index of the tag in the list is the
number used in the tilemap array. Defaults to [].
scale: The scale of the tilemap. Defaults to (1, 1).
offset: The offset of the tilemap. Defaults to (0, 0).
rot_offset: The rotation offset of the tilemap. Defaults to 0.
z_index: The z-index of the tilemap. Defaults to 0.
hidden: Whether the tilemap is hidden. Defaults to False.
def __init__(
tilemap: list[list[int]],
tiles: list[Surface],
tile_size: Vector | tuple[int, int] = (32, 32),
collision: list[int] | None = None,
collider_tag: list[str] | None = None,
scale: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (1, 1),
offset: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (0, 0),
rot_offset: float = 0,
z_index: int = 0,
hidden: bool = False
super().__init__(offset, rot_offset, z_index, hidden)
self._map = tilemap
self._tiles = tiles
self._tile_size = Vector.create(tile_size)
self._collision = [] if collision is None else collision
self._collider_tag = [] if collider_tag is None else collider_tag
self.scale = Vector.create(scale)
"""The scale of the tilemap."""
self._result = Surface(1, 1, scale)
self.uptodate = False
"""Whether the tilemap is up to date."""
def _regen(self):
dims = max([len(row) for row in self._map]), len(self._map)
self._result = Surface(int(dims[0] * self._tile_size.x), int(dims[1] * self._tile_size.y))
for i, row in enumerate(self._map):
y = (i * self._tile_size.y) - self._result.height / 2 + self._tile_size.y / 2
for j, tile in enumerate(row):
x = (j * self._tile_size.x) - self._result.width / 2 + self._tile_size.x / 2
self._result.blit(self._tiles[tile], dst=(int(x), int(y)))
if tile in self._collision:
self.gameobj.add( # TODO: add to a child gameobject when that's a thing
*(self._tile_size * self.scale).tuple_int(),
tag=self._collider_tag[tile] if tile < len(self._collider_tag) else "",
offset=(x, y) * self.scale,
[docs] def update(self):
if not self.uptodate:
self.uptodate = True
[docs] def draw(self, camera):
self._result.scale = self.scale
self._result.rotation = self.true_rotation()
Draw.queue_surface(self._result, self.true_pos(), self.true_z(), camera)
[docs] def clone(self) -> SimpleTilemap:
s = SimpleTilemap(
[surf.clone() for surf in self._tiles],
s._result = self._result.clone()
return s