Source code for rubato.structure.gameobject.ui.button
"""A button component that can be used in UI or to detect mouse presses in an area."""
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Callable
from .. import Component
from .... import Input, Vector
[docs]class Button(Component):
A Button component. Add this to game objects or UI elements to give them clickable areas.
width: The width of the button. Defaults to 10.
height: The height of the button. Defaults to 10.
onclick: The function to call when the button is clicked. Defaults to lambda: None.
onrelease: The function to call when the button is released. Defaults to lambda: None.
onhover: The function to call when the mouse enters the button. Defaults to lambda: None.
onexit: The function to call when the mouse exits the button. Defaults to lambda: None.
offset: The offset of the button from the game object. Defaults to (0, 0).
rot_offset: The rotation offset of the button from the game object. Defaults to 0.
z_index: The z-index of the button. Defaults to 0.
hidden: Whether the button is hidden or not. Defaults to False.
def __init__(
width: int = 10,
height: int = 10,
onclick: Callable | None = None,
onrelease: Callable | None = None,
onhover: Callable | None = None,
onexit: Callable | None = None,
offset: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (0, 0),
rot_offset: float = 0,
z_index: int = 0,
hidden: bool = False,
super().__init__(offset=offset, rot_offset=rot_offset, z_index=z_index, hidden=hidden)
self.dims: Vector = Vector(width, height)
"""The dimensions of the button."""
self.pressed: bool = False
"""Whether the button is currently pressed."""
self.hover: bool = False
"""Whether the mouse is hovering over the button."""
self.onclick: Callable = onclick if onclick else lambda: None
"""The function to call when the button is clicked."""
self.onrelease: Callable = onrelease if onrelease else lambda: None
"""The function to call when the button is released."""
self.onhover: Callable = onhover if onhover else lambda: None
"""The function to call when the mouse enters the button."""
self.onexit: Callable = onexit if onexit else lambda: None
"""The function to call when the mouse exits the button."""
[docs] def update(self):
"""The update function for buttons."""
inside = Input.mouse_in(self.true_pos(), self.dims, self.true_rotation())
mouse_down = Input.mouse_state()[0]
if not self.hover and inside:
self.hover = True
elif self.hover and not inside:
self.hover = False
if not self.pressed and mouse_down and inside:
self.pressed = True
elif self.pressed and not mouse_down:
self.pressed = False
[docs] def clone(self) -> Button:
return Button(