Source code for rubato.utils.computation.rb_math

The math module includes some helper functions for commonly used equations.
import math
from .. import InitError

[docs]class Math: """ Adds additonal functionality to the math module that is commonly used in game development. """ INF: int = 2147483647 """The max value of a 32-bit integer.""" PI_HALF: float = math.pi / 2 """The value of pi / 2.""" PI_TWO: float = math.tau """The value of pi * 2.""" def __init__(self) -> None: raise InitError(self)
[docs] @staticmethod def clamp(a: float | int, lower: float | int, upper: float | int) -> float: """ Clamps a value. Args: a: The value to clamp. lower: The lower bound of the clamp. upper: The upper bound of the clamp. Returns: float: The clamped result. """ return min(max(a, lower), upper)
[docs] @staticmethod def sign(n: float | int) -> int: """ Checks the sign of n. Args: n: A number to check. Returns: The sign of the number. (1 for positive, 0 for 0, -1 for negative) """ if n == 0: return 0 return (n >= 0) - (n < 0)
[docs] @staticmethod def lerp(a: float | int, b: float | int, t: float) -> float: """ Linearly interpolates between lower and upper bounds by t Args: a: The lower bound. b: The upper bound. t: Distance between upper and lower (1 gives b, 0 gives a). Returns: float: The linearly interpolated value. """ return a + t * (b - a)
[docs] @classmethod def map(cls, variable, variable_lower, variable_upper, map_lower, map_upper): """ Maps the variable from its range defined by lower and upper to a new range defined by map_lower and map_upper. Args: variable: The variable to map. variable_lower: The lower bound of the variable. variable_upper: The upper bound of the variable. map_lower: The lower bound of the new range. map_upper: The upper bound of the new range. Returns: float: The mapped value. """ return cls.clamp(((variable - variable_lower) / (variable_upper - variable_lower)) * (map_upper - map_lower) + map_lower, map_lower, map_upper)
[docs] @staticmethod def floor(x: float) -> int: """ Quickly rounds down a number. Args: x (float): The number to round. Returns: int: The rounded number. """ xi = int(x) return xi - 1 if x < xi else xi
[docs] @staticmethod def ceil(x: float) -> int: """ Quickly rounds up a number. Args: x (float): The number to round. Returns: int: The rounded number. """ xi = int(x) return xi + 1 if x > xi else xi
[docs] @staticmethod def is_int(x: float, error: float = 0) -> bool: """ Checks if a float can be rounded to an integer without dropping decimal places (within a certain error). Args: x: The number to check. error: The error margin from int that we accept, used for float inaccuracy. Returns: True if the number is an integer within the error. """ return abs(round(x) - x) <= error
[docs] @staticmethod def simplify_sqrt(square_rooted: int) -> tuple: """ Simplifies a square root. Args: square_rooted: The sqrt to simplify (inside the sqrt). Returns: The simplified square root, (multiple, square rooted). Example: Will try to simplify radicals. >>> Math.simplify_sqrt(16) # √16 = 4√1 (4, 1) >>> Math.simplify_sqrt(26) # √26 = 1√26 (1, 26) >>> Math.simplify_sqrt(20) # √20 = 2√5 """ error = 1e-10 if Math.is_int(square_rooted**(1 / 2), error): return square_rooted**(1 / 2), 1 generator = Math.gen_primes() divisible_by = (1, square_rooted) keep = False val = 1 possible = 1 while possible >= 1: val = (val * val if keep else next(generator)) possible = square_rooted / val**2 if Math.is_int(possible, error): keep = True divisible_by = (round(val), round(possible)) else: keep = False return divisible_by
[docs] @staticmethod def simplify(a: int, b: int) -> tuple: """ Simplifies a fraction. Args: a: numerator. b: denominator. Returns: The simplified fraction, (numerator, denominator). """ div = math.gcd(a, b) return a // div, b // div
[docs] @staticmethod def gen_primes(): """ Generate an infinite sequence of prime numbers. A python generator ie. must use next(). Notes: Sieve of Eratosthenes Code by David Eppstein, UC Irvine, 28 Feb 2002 Returns: generator: A generator of prime numbers. Example: >>> generator = Math.gen_primes() >>> next(generator) 2 """ # Maps composites to primes witnessing their compositeness. # This is memory efficient, as the sieve is not "run forward" # indefinitely, but only as long as required by the current # number being tested. # d = {} # The running integer that's checked for primeness q = 2 while True: if q not in d: # q is a new prime. # Yield it and mark its first multiple that isn't # already marked in previous iterations # yield q d[q * q] = [q] else: # q is composite. D[q] is the list of primes that # divide it. Since we've reached q, we no longer # need it in the map, but we'll mark the next # multiples of its witnesses to prepare for larger # numbers # for p in d[q]: d.setdefault(p + q, []).append(p) del d[q] q += 1
[docs] @staticmethod def north_deg_to_rad(deg: float) -> float: """ Converts a north-degrees (naturally used in rubato) to east-radians. Args: deg: North-degrees. Returns: East-radians. """ return math.radians(-(deg - 90))
[docs] @staticmethod def rad_to_north_deg(rad: float) -> float: """ Converts east-radians to north-degrees (naturally used in rubato). Args: rad: East-radians. Returns: North-degrees. """ return -math.degrees(rad - Math.PI_HALF)