Source code for rubato.utils.hardware.rb_input
An abstraction for checking for hardware input from a user.
import ctypes
import math
import sdl2
from ctypes import c_char_p, c_float, c_int
from . import Display
from .. import Vector, Math, InitError
[docs]class Input:
The input class, handling keyboard, mouse, and controller functionality.
Go :doc:`here <key-names>` for a list of all the available keys.
def __init__(self) -> None:
raise InitError(self)
_controllers: dict[int, sdl2.SDL_Joystick] = {}
_joystick_max: int = 32768
[docs] @classmethod
def controllers(cls) -> list[int]:
A list of the controllers currently registered.
If non-zero, the controllers are registered from 0 to n-1 where n is the number of controllers.
This number index is passed to events that are propagated when controllers are inputted to.
A list of the integer indexes of the controllers currently registered.
return list(cls._controllers.keys())
[docs] @classmethod
def controller_name(cls, controller: int) -> str:
Get the name of the controller at the given index.
index: The index of the controller to get the name of.
IndexError: The controller for the given index is not registered.
The name of the controller.
if controller not in cls._controllers:
raise IndexError(f"Controller {controller} is not registered.")
return sdl2.SDL_JoystickNameForIndex(controller)
[docs] @classmethod
def controller_axis(cls, controller: int, axis: int) -> float:
Get the value of a given joystick axis on a controller.
controller: The index of the controller.
axis: The index of the joystick axis.
IndexError: The controller for the given index is not registered.
The value of the axis.
if controller not in cls._controllers:
raise IndexError(f"Controller {controller} is not registered.")
return sdl2.SDL_JoystickGetAxis(cls._controllers[controller], axis) / cls._joystick_max
[docs] @classmethod
def axis_centered(cls, val: float) -> bool:
Check whether a given axis value is within the +/-10% bounds of deadzone considered the "center".
val: The value of the axis.
Whether the axis is centered.
return -0.1 < val < 0.1
[docs] @classmethod
def controller_button(cls, controller: int, button: int) -> bool:
Check whether a given button on a controller is pressed.
controller: The index of the controller.
button: The index of the button.
IndexError: The controller for the given index is not registered.
Whether the button is pressed.
if controller not in cls._controllers:
raise IndexError(f"Controller {controller} is not registered.")
return sdl2.SDL_JoystickGetButton(cls._controllers[controller], button) == 1
[docs] @classmethod
def controller_hat(cls, controller: int, hat: int) -> int:
Get the value of a given hat on a controller.
controller: The index of the controller.
hat: The index of the hat.
IndexError: The controller for the given index is not registered.
int: The value of the hat, which you can translate with `translate_hat()`.
if controller not in cls._controllers:
raise IndexError(f"Controller {controller} is not registered.")
return sdl2.SDL_JoystickGetHat(cls._controllers[controller], hat)
[docs] @classmethod
def translate_hat(cls, val: int) -> str:
Translate a hat value to a string.
val: The hat value.
str: The string representation of the hat value.
if val == sdl2.SDL_HAT_CENTERED:
return "center"
elif val == sdl2.SDL_HAT_UP:
return "up"
elif val == sdl2.SDL_HAT_RIGHT:
return "right"
elif val == sdl2.SDL_HAT_DOWN:
return "down"
elif val == sdl2.SDL_HAT_LEFT:
return "left"
elif val == sdl2.SDL_HAT_RIGHTUP:
return "right up"
elif val == sdl2.SDL_HAT_RIGHTDOWN:
return "right down"
elif val == sdl2.SDL_HAT_LEFTUP:
return "left up"
elif val == sdl2.SDL_HAT_LEFTDOWN:
return "left down"
return "unknown"
_mods: dict[str, int] = {
"shift": sdl2.KMOD_SHIFT,
"left shift": sdl2.KMOD_LSHIFT,
"right shift": sdl2.KMOD_RSHIFT,
"alt": sdl2.KMOD_ALT,
"left alt": sdl2.KMOD_LALT,
"right alt": sdl2.KMOD_RALT,
"ctrl": sdl2.KMOD_CTRL,
"left ctrl": sdl2.KMOD_LCTRL,
"right ctrl": sdl2.KMOD_RCTRL,
"gui": sdl2.KMOD_GUI,
"left gui": sdl2.KMOD_LGUI,
"right gui": sdl2.KMOD_RGUI,
"numlock": sdl2.KMOD_NUM,
"caps lock": sdl2.KMOD_CAPS,
"altgr": sdl2.KMOD_MODE,
[docs] @classmethod
def key_pressed(cls, *keys: str) -> bool:
Checks if keys are pressed. Case insensitive.
*keys: The names of the keys to check.
bool: Whether the keys are pressed.
.. code-block:: python
if rb.Input.key_pressed("a"):
# handle the "a" keypress
if rb.Input.key_pressed("shift", "w"):
# handle the "shift+w" keypress
state = cls.get_keyboard_state()
for key in keys:
key = key.lower()
if key in cls._mods and len(keys) > 1:
if not sdl2.SDL_GetModState() & cls._mods[key]:
return False
if key == "shift":
key1, key2 = "left shift", "right shift"
elif key == "ctrl":
key1, key2 = "left ctrl", "right ctrl"
elif key == "alt":
key1, key2 = "left alt", "right alt"
elif key == "gui":
key1, key2 = "left gui", "right gui"
key1, key2 = key, key
if not (state[cls.scancode_from_name(key1)] or state[cls.scancode_from_name(key2)]):
return False
return True
[docs] @classmethod
def get_keyboard_state(cls):
"""Returns a list with the current SDL keyboard state."""
numkeys = ctypes.c_int()
keystate = sdl2.SDL_GetKeyboardState(ctypes.byref(numkeys))
ptr_t = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint8 * numkeys.value)
return ctypes.cast(keystate, ptr_t)[0]
[docs] @classmethod
def get_name(cls, code: int) -> str:
Gets the name of a key from its keycode.
code: A keycode.
str: The corresponding key.
return sdl2.SDL_GetKeyName(code).decode("utf-8").lower()
[docs] @classmethod
def mods_from_code(cls, code: int) -> list[str]:
Gets the modifier names from a mod code.
code: The mod code.
list[str]: A list with the names of the currently pressed modifiers.
return [name for name, val in cls._mods.items() if code & val]
[docs] @classmethod
def key_from_name(cls, char: str) -> int:
Gets the keycode of a key from its name.
char: The name of the key.
int: The corresponding keycode.
return sdl2.SDL_GetKeyFromName(c_char_p(bytes(char, "utf-8")))
[docs] @classmethod
def scancode_from_name(cls, char: str) -> int:
Gets the scancode of a key from its name.
char: The name of the key.
int: The corresponding scancode.
return sdl2.SDL_GetScancodeFromName(c_char_p(bytes(char, "utf-8")))
[docs] @classmethod
def window_focused(cls) -> bool:
Checks if the display has keyboard focus.
bool: True if the window is focused, false otherwise.
return sdl2.SDL_GetKeyboardFocus() == Display.window or sdl2.SDL_GetMouseFocus() == Display.window
[docs] @classmethod
def mouse_state(cls) -> tuple[bool, bool, bool, bool, bool]:
Checks which mouse buttons are pressed.
A tuple with 5 booleans representing the state of each
mouse button. (button1, button2, button3, button4, button5)
info = sdl2.SDL_GetMouseState(ctypes.byref(c_int(0)), ctypes.byref(c_int(0)))
return (
(info & sdl2.SDL_BUTTON_LMASK) != 0,
(info & sdl2.SDL_BUTTON_MMASK) != 0,
(info & sdl2.SDL_BUTTON_RMASK) != 0,
(info & sdl2.SDL_BUTTON_X1MASK) != 0,
(info & sdl2.SDL_BUTTON_X2MASK) != 0,
[docs] @classmethod
def mouse_pressed(cls) -> bool:
Checks if any mouse button is pressed.
True if any button is pressed, false otherwise.
return any(cls.mouse_state())
def _display_to_screen(x: float, y: float) -> tuple[float, float]:
"""Converts display coordinates to screen coordinates."""
x_window, y_window = c_int(round(x)), c_int(round(y))
x_render, y_render = c_float(0), c_float(0)
size = Display.border_size
if Display.has_x_border():
x_window.value = math.floor(Math.clamp(x_window.value, size, Display.window_size.x - size))
elif Display.has_y_border():
y_window.value = math.floor(Math.clamp(y_window.value, size, Display.window_size.y - size))
sdl2.SDL_RenderWindowToLogical(Display.renderer.sdlrenderer, x_window, y_window, x_render, y_render)
return x_render.value, y_render.value
[docs] @classmethod
def get_mouse_pos(cls) -> Vector:
The current position of the mouse, in screen-coordinates.
A Vector representing position.
return Vector.create(Display._sdl_to_cartesian(cls._display_to_screen(*cls.get_mouse_abs_pos())))
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_mouse_abs_pos() -> Vector:
The current absolute position of the mouse, in display coordinates.
A Vector representing position.
x_window, y_window = c_int(0), c_int(0)
sdl2.SDL_GetMouseState(ctypes.byref(x_window), ctypes.byref(y_window))
return Vector(x_window.value, y_window.value)
[docs] @staticmethod
def set_mouse_pos(v: Vector | tuple[float, float]):
Sets the position of the mouse.
v: The position to set the mouse to.
sdl2.SDL_WarpMouseInWindow(Display.window.window, c_int(round(v[0])), c_int(round(v[1])))
[docs] @classmethod
def mouse_is_visible(cls) -> bool:
Checks if the mouse is currently visible.
bool: True for visible, false otherwise.
return sdl2.SDL_ShowCursor(sdl2.SDL_QUERY) == sdl2.SDL_ENABLE
[docs] @classmethod
def set_mouse_visibility(cls, toggle: bool):
Sets the mouse visibility.
toggle: True to show the mouse and false to hide the mouse.
sdl2.SDL_ShowCursor(sdl2.SDL_ENABLE if toggle else sdl2.SDL_DISABLE)
[docs] @staticmethod
def pt_in_poly(pt: Vector | tuple[float, float], verts: list[Vector] | list[tuple[float, float]]) -> bool:
Checks if a point is inside a polygon.
pt: The point to check.
verts: The polygon representation as a list of Vector | tuple[float, float]s (vertices)
bool: Whether the point is inside the polygon.
last, now, odd = verts[-1], verts[0], False
for now in verts:
if ((now[1] > pt[1]) != (last[1] > pt[1])) and \
(pt[0] < (last[0] - now[0]) * (pt[1] - now[1]) / (last[1] - now[1]) + now[0]):
odd = not odd
last = now
return odd
[docs] @classmethod
def mouse_in(
center: Vector | tuple[float, float],
dims: Vector | tuple[float, float] = (1, 1),
angle: float = 0
) -> bool:
Checks if the mouse is inside a rectangle defined by its center
and dimensions
center: The center of the rectangle.
dims: The dimensions of the rectangle. Defaults to (1, 1).
angle: The angle of the rectangle in degrees. Defaults to 0.
bool: Whether the mouse is in the defined rectangle.
center = Vector.create(center)
dims = Vector.create(dims)
mo = Input.get_mouse_pos() # mouse
if angle == 0:
lt = (center - dims / 2).ceil() # left top
rb = (center + dims / 2).ceil() # right bottom
return lt.x <= mo.x <= rb.x and lt.y <= mo.y <= rb.y
lt = (-dims / 2).rotate(angle) + center # left top # pylint: disable=invalid-unary-operand-type
rt = (Vector(dims.x, -dims.y) / 2).rotate(angle) + center # right top
rb = (dims / 2).rotate(angle) + center # right bottom
lb = (Vector(-dims.x, dims.y) / 2).rotate(angle) + center # left bottom
return (
cls._is_left(lt, rt, mo) and cls._is_left(rt, rb, mo) and cls._is_left(rb, lb, mo) and
cls._is_left(lb, lt, mo)
def _is_left(p0: Vector, p1: Vector, p2: Vector) -> bool:
# not sure what this does but I got it from:
return ((p1.x - p0.x) * (p2.y - p0.y) - (p2.x - p0.x) * (p1.y - p0.y)) > 0