Source code for rubato.utils.hardware.sound

A multi-channel sound system for rubato.
from __future__ import annotations
from os import path as os_path, walk
from ctypes import c_int, CFUNCTYPE
from warnings import warn

import sdl2.sdlmixer as mixer
from sdl2 import AUDIO_F32

from .. import IdError, get_path, Math

if mixer.Mix_OpenAudio(48000, AUDIO_F32, 2, 2048):
    warn("Could not open audio device.")

@CFUNCTYPE(None, c_int)
def channel_finish_callback(channel_num: int):
    sound = Sound.active_channels.pop(channel_num)
    sound.channels &= ~(2**channel_num)


[docs]class Sound: """ Used to play sounds in rubato. The following file formats are supported: * MP3 * WAV * OGG * FLAC * MOD * MIDI (not always available on linux) * OPUS * AIFF * VOC Args: path: The relative path to the sound file you wish to import. sound_name: The name of the sound. Defaults to the name of the file. """ STOPPED = 0 PLAYING = 1 PAUSED = 2 loaded_sounds: dict[str, Sound] = {} """A dictionary housing all the loaded sounds, stored by their name.""" active_channels: dict[int, Sound] = {} """A dictionary housing all the active sounds, stored by their name.""" def __init__(self, path: str, sound_name: str = ""): self.chunk = mixer.Mix_LoadWAV(path.encode("utf-8")) self.channels = 0 self._paused = False self._volume = int(mixer.MIX_MAX_VOLUME / 2) if sound_name == "": = path.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] else: = sound_name if in Sound.loaded_sounds: mixer.Mix_FreeChunk(self.chunk) raise IdError(f"There is already a sound with the name {}") else: Sound.loaded_sounds[] = self @property def state(self) -> int: """ The current state of the sound. The possible states are:: Sound.STOPPED Sound.PLAYING Sound.PAUSED Returns: int: The current state of the sound. """ if not self.channels: return self.STOPPED elif self._paused: return self.PAUSED else: return self.PLAYING
[docs] def play(self, loops: int = 0, init_volume: int = 128): """ Plays a sound. Args: loops: The number of times to loop a sound after the first play through. Use -1 to loop forever. Defaults to 0.' init_volume: The initail volume of the sound. Defaults to the volume of the sound. range(0, MIX_MAX_VOLUME=>128) """ channel: int = mixer.Mix_PlayChannel(-1, self.chunk, loops) if channel == -1: mixer.Mix_AllocateChannels(mixer.Mix_AllocateChannels(-1) + 1) channel: int = mixer.Mix_PlayChannel(-1, self.chunk, loops) if self._paused: mixer.Mix_Pause(channel) Sound.active_channels[channel] = self self.channels |= 2**channel if init_volume: self._volume = init_volume self.set_volume(self._volume)
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stops all instances of the sound. """ for i in range(self.channels.bit_count()): if self.channels & (1 << i): mixer.Mix_HaltChannel(i) if not self.channels: return
[docs] def pause(self): """ Pauses all instances of the sound. """ for i in range(self.channels.bit_count()): if self.channels & (1 << i): mixer.Mix_Pause(i) self._paused = True
[docs] def resume(self): """ Resumes all instance of the sound. """ for i in range(self.channels.bit_count()): if self.channels & (1 << i): mixer.Mix_Resume(i) self._paused = False
[docs] def set_volume(self, volume: int): """ Sets the volume of the sound. Args: volume: The volume of the sound. range(0, MIX_MAX_VOLUME=>128) """ self._volume = int(Math.clamp(volume, 0, mixer.MIX_MAX_VOLUME)) mixer.Mix_VolumeChunk(self.chunk, c_int(self._volume))
[docs] def get_volume(self) -> int: """ Gets the volume of the sound. Returns: The volume of the sound. range(0, MIX_MAX_VOLUME=>128) """ return self._volume
[docs] @classmethod def import_sound_folder(cls, path: str, duplicate_names=False, recursive: bool = True): """ Imports a folder of sounds, saving each one in the loaded_sounds dictionary by filename. Args: path: The relative path to the folder you wish to import. duplicate_names: if you wish to have duplicate names to your sounds, it will use the relative and the sound path for the sounds name recursive: Whether it will import an animation shallowly or recursively. Defaults to True. """ p = get_path(path) if not recursive: _, _, files = next(walk(p)) # walk to directory path and ignore name and subdirectories for sound_path in files: path_to_sound = os_path.join(p, sound_path) name = (p + sound_path).split(".")[0] if duplicate_names else sound_path.split(".")[0] try: cls(path_to_sound, name) except IdError as err: raise Warning( "If you have files with duplicate names you must set duplicate_names" "to True" ) from err else: for _, _, files in walk(p): # walk to directory path and ignore name and subdirectories for sound_path in files: path_to_sound = os_path.join(p, sound_path) name = (path + "/" + sound_path).split(".")[0] if duplicate_names else sound_path.split(".")[0] try: cls(path_to_sound, name) except IdError as err: raise Warning( "If you have files with duplicate names you must set duplicate_names" "to True" ) from err
[docs] @classmethod def get_sound(cls, sound_name: str) -> Sound: """ Gets the sound based on the sound name. Args: sound_name: The name of the sound. Raises: IdError: No sound is associated to the sound name. Returns: Sound: The sound. """ try: return cls.loaded_sounds[sound_name] except KeyError as e: raise IdError(f"No sound with the name {sound_name} found") from e