Getting Started#


Installing rubato is simple. Make sure you have Python 3.10 or later installed, then run the following in a terminal:

$ pip install rubato


We recommend installing python directly from if you do not already have it.

Setting Up#

Once you've installed rubato, setting up a new project is easy. To create a new blank project, simply create a new python file (such as and type the following:

import rubato as rb


rb.init() initializes rubato. rb.init() takes in multiple optional arguements to specify things such as window name and size, resolution, and more.


Throughout our documentation, we assume that rubato is imported as rb. If you used from rubato import *, just delete the rb. prefix where needed.

Now that rubato is ready, add the following line of code to the end of the file:


rb.begin() is the function that starts the rubato engine. Without it, rubato won't know to begin the engine cycle, and your game won't run. It is recommended to call rb.begin() at the bottom of your project file as in this example.

Now run your code in a terminal using python If you see a white square window, congrats! You're officially up and running with rubato.


When you are working with rubato, make sure to only call rubato functions after calling init() and before begin(). Note that any code placed after begin() wont run, because the function blocks the main thread.


Code not working? It's possible something went wrong during the dependency installation process. Check your terminal log for errors and try reinstalling rubato. You can also file a bug report here or reach out on our discord if something went wrong on our end.