Source code for rubato

This is the top level init file for all of rubato.

    Every single class can be accessed through the top level or through the full
    module path.

    game (Game): The global game class that can be accessed anywhere.
        Initialized when :meth:`rubato.init()` is called.
import os
# This needs to be set before pygame   pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
os.environ["PYGAME_HIDE_SUPPORT_PROMPT"] = "1"

import rubato.static as Static
from rubato.utils import Math, Display, Vector, Time, \
    Color, Error, Configs
from import Radio
from rubato.classes import SceneManager, Scene, Camera, Sprite, Image, \
    RigidBody, Animation, Component, Polygon, Rectangle, Circle, \
        SAT, Hitbox, Group
import rubato.input as Input
import rubato.sound as Sound
import as Game


# This variable tells python which things are included in the library.
# Apparently just importing them isn't enough.
__all__ = [

radio: Radio = None

[docs]def init(options: dict = {}): """ Initializes rubato. Args: options: A game config. Defaults to the |default| for `Game`. """ global radio Game.init(options) = Radio() radio =
[docs]def begin(): """ Starts the main game loop. Raises: RuntimeError: Rubato has not been initialized before calling. """ if Game.is_init: Game.scenes.setup() Game.constant_loop() else: raise RuntimeError( "You have not initialized rubato. Make sure to run rubato.init() right after importing the library" # pylint: disable=line-too-long )