Source code for rubato.classes.components.hitbox

"""Various hitbox components that enable collisions"""

import math
from typing import Callable, List, Union
from rubato.classes.components.rigidbody import RigidBody
from rubato.utils import Math, Display, Vector, Configs, Color
from rubato.classes.component import Component
from rubato.utils.error import SideError
import rubato as rb
from pygame.gfxdraw import aapolygon, filled_polygon, aacircle, filled_circle

[docs]class Hitbox(Component): """ The basic hitbox """ hitboxes: List["Hitbox"] = []
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.debug = False self.trigger = False self.tags = [] self._pos = lambda: Vector(0, 0) self.scale = 1 self.callback = lambda c: None
[docs] def update(self): self.draw()
[docs] def draw(self): pass
[docs] def bounding_box_dimensions(self) -> Vector: """ Returns the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the polygon. Returns: Vector: A vector with the x variable holding the width and the y variable holding the height. """ return Vector(0, 0)
[docs] def collide( self, other: "Hitbox", callback: Callable = lambda c: None ) -> Union["CollisionInfo", None]: """ A simple collision engine for most use cases. Args: other: The other rigidbody to collide with. callback: The function to run when a collision is detected. Defaults to None. Returns: Union[CollisionInfo, None]: Returns a collision info object if a collision is detected or nothing if no collision is detected. """ if (col := SAT.overlap(self, other)) is not None: if not self.trigger and ( (self.sprite.get(RigidBody) is not None) or (other.sprite.get(RigidBody) is not None)): RigidBody.handle_collision(col) callback(col) self.callback(col) other.callback(col)
[docs]class Polygon(Hitbox): """ A custom polygon class with an arbitrary number of vertices Attributes: verts (List[Vector]): A list of the vertices in the Polygon, in either clockwise or anticlockwise direction. scale (Union[float, int]): The scale of the polygon. """
[docs] def __init__(self, options: dict = {}): """ Initializes a Polygon Args: verts: A list of the vertices in the Polygon. pos: The position of the center of the Polygon as a function. Defaults to lambda: Vector(0, 0). scale: The scale of the polygon. Defaults to 1. rotation: The rotation angle of the polygon in degrees as a function. Defaults to lambda: 0. """ params = Configs.polygon_defaults | options super().__init__() self.debug: bool = params["debug"] self.trigger: bool = params["trigger"] self.tags: List[str] = params["tags"] self.verts: List[Vector] = params["verts"] self.rotation: float = params["rotation"] self.color: Color = params["color"] self.scale: int = params["scale"] self.callback: Callable = params["callback"]
[docs] @staticmethod def generate_rect(w: int = 32, h: int = 32) -> List[Vector]: """ Creates a rectangle from its dimensions. Args: w: The width of the hitbox. h: The height of the hitbox. Returns: List[Vector]: The vertices of the rectangle. """ return [ Vector(-w / 2, -h / 2), Vector(w / 2, -h / 2), Vector(w / 2, h / 2), Vector(-w / 2, h / 2) ]
[docs] @staticmethod def generate_polygon(num_sides: int, radius: Union[float, int] = 1) -> List[Vector]: """ Creates a normal polygon with a specified number of sides and an optional radius. Args: num_sides: The number of sides of the polygon. radius: The radius of the polygon. Defaults to 1. Raises: SideError: Raised when the number of sides is less than 3. Returns: List[Vector]: The vertices of the polygon. """ if num_sides < 3: raise SideError( "Can't create a polygon with less than three sides") rotangle = 2 * math.pi / num_sides angle, verts = 0, [] for i in range(num_sides): angle = (i * rotangle) + (math.pi - rotangle) / 2 verts.append( Vector(math.cos(angle) * radius, math.sin(angle) * radius)) return verts
@property def pos(self) -> Vector: """The getter method for the position of the Polygon's center""" return self._pos()
[docs] def clone(self) -> "Polygon": """Creates a copy of the Polygon at the current position""" new_poly = Polygon({ "verts": list(map((lambda v: v.clone()), self.verts)), "rotation": self.rotation, "debug": self.debug, "trigger": self.trigger, "tags": self.tags, "scale": self.scale, "callback": self.callback, }) new_poly._pos = self._pos # pylint: disable=protected-access return new_poly
[docs] def transformed_verts(self) -> List[Vector]: """Maps each vertex with the Polygon's scale and rotation""" return list( map(lambda v: v.transform(self.scale, self.rotation), self.verts))
[docs] def real_verts(self) -> List[Vector]: """Returns the a list of vertices in absolute coordinates""" return list( map(lambda v: self.pos + v.transform(self.scale, self.rotation), self.verts))
def __str__(self): return (f"{list(map(str, self.verts))}, {self.pos}, " + f"{self.scale}, {self.rotation}")
[docs] def bounding_box_dimensions(self) -> Vector: real_verts = self.real_verts() x_dir = SAT.project_verts(real_verts, Vector(1, 0)) y_dir = SAT.project_verts(real_verts, Vector(0, 1)) return Vector(x_dir.y - x_dir.x, y_dir.y - y_dir.x)
[docs] def draw(self): """ The draw loop """ if self.debug: aapolygon( Display.global_display, list( map( lambda v: transform(v * ), self.real_verts(), )), (0, 255, 0), ) if self.color is not None: aapolygon( Display.global_display, list( map( lambda v: transform(v * ), self.real_verts(), )), self.color.to_tuple(), ) filled_polygon( Display.global_display, list( map( lambda v: transform(v * ), self.real_verts(), )), self.color.to_tuple(), )
[docs]class Rectangle(Polygon): """_summary_ Args: Polygon (_type_): _description_ """
[docs] def __init__(self, options: dict): params = (Configs.rectangle_defaults | Configs.polygon_defaults) \ | options params["verts"] = Polygon.generate_rect( params["width"], params["height"] ) del params["width"] del params["height"] super().__init__(params)
[docs]class Circle(Hitbox): """ A custom circle class defined by a position, radius, and scale Attributes: radius (int): The radius of the circle. scale (int): The scale of the circle. """
[docs] def __init__(self, options: dict = {}): """ Initializes a Circle Args: pos: The position of the circle as a function. Defaults to lambda: Vector(0, 0). radius: The radius of the circle. Defaults to 1. scale: The scale of the circle. Defaults to 1. """ params = Configs.circle_defaults | options super().__init__() self.radius = params["radius"] self.color: Color = params["color"] self.scale: int = params["scale"] self.callback: Callable = params["callback"] self.debug: bool = params["debug"] self.trigger: bool = params["trigger"] self.tags: List[str] = params["tags"]
@property def pos(self) -> Vector: """The getter method for the position of the circle's center""" return self._pos()
[docs] def clone(self) -> "Circle": """Creates a copy of the circle at the current position""" new_circle = Circle(self.radius) new_circle._pos = self._pos # pylint: disable=protected-access new_circle.scale = self.scale return new_circle
[docs] def transformed_radius(self) -> int: """Gets the true radius of the circle""" return self.radius * self.scale
[docs] def draw(self): if self.debug: aacircle( Display.global_display, int(self.pos.x), int(self.pos.y), int(self.radius), self.color.to_tuple(), ) if self.color is not None: # aacircle( # Display.global_display, # int(self.pos.x), # int(self.pos.y), # self.radius, # self.color.to_tuple(), # ) filled_circle( Display.global_display, int(self.pos.x), int(self.pos.y), int(self.radius), self.color.to_tuple(), )
[docs]class CollisionInfo: """ A class that represents information returned in a successful collision Attributes: shape_a (Union[Circle, Polygon, None]): A reference to the first shape. shape_b (Union[Circle, Polygon, None]): A reference to the second shape. seperation (Vector): The vector that would separate the two colliders. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Initializes a Collision Info """ self.shape_a: Union[Hitbox, None] = None self.shape_b: Union[Hitbox, None] = None self.sep = Vector()
def __str__(self): return f"{self.sep}"
[docs]class SAT: """ A general class that does the collision detection math between circles and polygons """
[docs] @staticmethod def overlap(shape_a: Hitbox, shape_b: Hitbox) -> Union[CollisionInfo, None]: """ Checks for overlap between any two shapes (Polygon or Circle) Args: shape_a: The first shape. shape_b: The second shape. Returns: Union[CollisionInfo, None]: If a collision occurs, a CollisionInfo is returned. Otherwise None is returned. """ if isinstance(shape_a, Circle) and isinstance(shape_b, Circle): return SAT.circle_circle_test(shape_a, shape_b) if isinstance(shape_a, Polygon) and isinstance(shape_b, Polygon): test_a_b = SAT.polygon_polygon_test(shape_a, shape_b) if test_a_b is None: return None test_b_a = SAT.polygon_polygon_test(shape_b, shape_a, True) if test_b_a is None: return None return (test_b_a, test_a_b)[test_a_b.sep.mag < test_b_a.sep.mag] a_is_circle = isinstance(shape_a, Circle) return SAT.circle_polygon_test((shape_b, shape_a)[a_is_circle], (shape_a, shape_b)[a_is_circle], not a_is_circle)
[docs] @staticmethod def circle_circle_test(shape_a: Circle, shape_b: Circle): """Checks for overlap between two circles""" total_radius = shape_a.radius + shape_b.radius distance = (shape_b.pos - shape_a.pos).magnitude if distance > total_radius: return None result = CollisionInfo() result.shape_a = shape_a result.shape_b = shape_b result.sep = (shape_a.pos - shape_b.pos).unit() * (total_radius - distance) return result
@staticmethod def circle_polygon_test(shape_a: Circle, shape_b: Polygon, flip: bool = False): shortest = Math.INFINITY result = CollisionInfo() result.shape_a = shape_b if flip else shape_a result.shape_b = shape_a if flip else shape_b verts = shape_b.transformed_verts() offset = shape_b.pos - shape_a.pos closest = Vector() for v in verts: dist = (shape_a.pos - (shape_b.pos + v)).magnitude if dist < shortest: shortest = dist closest = shape_b.pos + v axis = closest - shape_a.pos axis.normalize() poly_range = SAT.project_verts(verts, axis) + circle_range = Vector(-shape_a.transformed_radius(), shape_a.transformed_radius()) if ((poly_range.x - circle_range.y > 0) or (circle_range.x - poly_range.y > 0)): return None dist_min = circle_range.y - poly_range.x if flip: dist_min *= -1 shortest = abs(dist_min) sep = axis * dist_min for i in range(len(verts)): axis = SAT.perpendicular_axis(verts, i) poly_range = SAT.project_verts(verts, axis) + circle_range = Vector(-shape_a.transformed_radius(), shape_a.transformed_radius()) if ((poly_range.x - circle_range.y > 0) or (circle_range.x - poly_range.y > 0)): return None dist_min = circle_range.y - poly_range.x if flip: dist_min *= -1 dist_min_abs = abs(dist_min) if dist_min_abs < shortest: shortest = dist_min_abs sep = axis * dist_min result.sep = -sep return result
[docs] @staticmethod def polygon_polygon_test(shape_a: Polygon, shape_b: Polygon, flip: bool = False) -> Union[CollisionInfo, None]: """Checks for overlap between two polygons""" shortest_dist = Math.INFINITY result = CollisionInfo() result.shape_a = shape_a if flip else shape_b result.shape_b = shape_b if flip else shape_a verts_a = shape_a.transformed_verts() verts_b = shape_b.transformed_verts() offset = shape_a.pos - shape_b.pos for i in range(len(verts_a)): axis = SAT.perpendicular_axis(verts_a, i) a_range = SAT.project_verts(verts_a, axis) + b_range = SAT.project_verts(verts_b, axis) if (a_range.x > b_range.y) or (b_range.x > a_range.y): return None min_dist = (a_range.x - b_range.y, b_range.x - a_range.y)[flip] abs_min = abs(min_dist) if abs_min < shortest_dist: shortest_dist = abs_min result.sep = axis * min_dist return result
[docs] @staticmethod def perpendicular_axis(verts: List[Vector], index: int) -> Vector: """Finds a vector perpendicular to a side""" pt_1, pt_2 = verts[index], verts[(index + 1) % len(verts)] axis = Vector(pt_1.y - pt_2.y, pt_2.x - pt_1.x) axis.normalize() return axis
[docs] @staticmethod def project_verts(verts: List[Vector], axis: Vector) -> Vector: """ Projects the vertices onto a given axis. Returns as a vector x is min, y is max """ minval, maxval = Math.INFINITY, -Math.INFINITY for v in verts: temp = minval, maxval = min(minval, temp), max(maxval, temp) return Vector(minval, maxval)