Source code for rubato.classes.components.image

The image component that renders an image from the filesystem.
from pygame.image import load
from pygame.transform import scale, flip, rotate
from rubato.classes.component import Component
from rubato.utils import Vector, Configs
import rubato as rb

[docs]class Image(Component): """ A component that handles Images. Attributes: image (pygame.Surface): The pygame surface containing the image. """
[docs] def __init__(self, options: dict = {}): """ Initializes an Image Args: options: A Image config. Defaults to the |default| for `Image`. """ param = Configs.image_defaults | options super().__init__() if param["image_location"] in ["", "default"]: self.image = rb.Static.string_to_image(rb.Static.default_image) else: self.image = load(param["image_location"]).convert_alpha() self._original = self.image.copy() self.rotation = param["rotation"] self.scale(param["scale_factor"])
[docs] def get_size(self): """ Gets the current size of the frame. Returns: [type]: [description] """ return self.image.get_size()
def get_size_original(self): return self._original.get_size() def set_rotation(self, angle): if self.rotation != angle: self.image = rotate(self._original, angle) self.rotation = angle
[docs] def scale(self, scale_factor: Vector): """ Scales the image. Args: scale_factor: The 2-d scale factor relative to it's current size. """ if abs(new_x := self.image.get_width() * scale_factor.x) < 1: new_x = 1 if abs(new_y := self.image.get_height() * scale_factor.y) < 1: new_y = 1 self.image = flip(scale(self._original, (abs(new_x), abs(new_y))), new_x < 0, new_y < 0)
[docs] def resize(self, new_size: Vector): """ Resize the image to a given size in pixels. Args: new_size: The new size of the image in pixels. """ if abs(new_size.x) < 1: new_size.x = 1 if abs(new_size.y) < 1: new_size.y = 1 self.image = flip( scale(self.image, (abs(new_size.x), abs(new_size.y))), new_size.x < 0, new_size.y < 0)
[docs] def draw(self): """ Draws the image if the z index is below the camera's. Args: camera: The current Camera viewing the scene. """ rb.Game.render(self.sprite, self.image)