Source code for rubato.classes.components.rigidbody

The Rigidbody component contains an implementation of rigidbody physics. They
have hitboxes and can collide and interact with other rigidbodies.
import math
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from rubato.classes.component import Component
from rubato.utils import Vector, Configs, Time

    from rubato.classes.components.hitbox import CollisionInfo

[docs]class RigidBody(Component): """ A RigidBody implementation with built in physics and collisions. Rigidbodies require hitboxes. Attributes: static (bool): Whether or not the rigidbody is static (as in, it does not move). gravity (Vector): The acceleration of the gravity that should be applied. friction (float): The friction coefficient of the Rigidbody (usually a a value between 0 and 1). max_speed (Vector): The maximum speed of the Rigidbody. min_speed (Vector): The minimum speed of the Rigidbody. velocity (Vector): The current velocity of the Rigidbody. inv_mass (float): The inverse of the mass of the Rigidbody (0 if the mass is infinite). bounciness (float): How bouncy the rigidbody is (usually a value between 0 and 1). """
[docs] def __init__(self, options: dict = {}): """ Initializes a Rigidbody. Args: options: A rigidbody config. Defaults to the |default| for `RigidBody` """ params = Configs.rigidbody_defaults | options super().__init__() self.static: bool = params["static"] self.gravity: Vector = params["gravity"] self.friction: float = params["friction"] self.max_speed: Vector = params["max_speed"] self.min_speed: Vector = params["min_speed"] self.velocity = Vector() # self.angvel: float = 0 # self.rotation: float = params["rotation"] if params["mass"] == 0 or self.static: self.inv_mass = 0 else: self.inv_mass: float = 1 / params["mass"] self.bounciness: float = params["bounciness"] self.required.append("Hitbox")
@property def mass(self) -> float: """The mass of the Rigidbody (readonly)""" if self.inv_mass == 0: return 0 else: return 1 / self.inv_mass
[docs] def physics(self): """The physics calculation""" # Apply gravity self.add_force(self.gravity * self.mass) self.sprite.pos += self.velocity * Time.fixed_delta_time("sec")
[docs] def add_force(self, force: Vector): """ Add a force to the Rigidbody. Args: force: The force to add. """ accel = force * self.inv_mass self.velocity += accel * Time.fixed_delta_time("sec")
[docs] def add_cont_force(self, impulse: Vector, time: int): """ Add a continuous force to the Rigidbody. A continuous force is a force that is continuously applied over a time period. (the force is added every frame for a specific duration). Args: impulse: The force to add. time: The time in seconds that the force should be added. """ if time <= 0: return else: self.add_force(impulse) Time.delayed_frames( 1, lambda: self.add_impulse(impulse, time - Time.delta_time()))
[docs] @staticmethod def handle_collision(col: "CollisionInfo"): """ Handle the collision between two rigidbodies. Args: col: The collision information. """ rb_a: RigidBody = col.shape_b.sprite.get(RigidBody) rb_b: RigidBody = col.shape_a.sprite.get(RigidBody) inv_mass_a: float = (0 if rb_a is None else rb_a.inv_mass) inv_mass_b: float = (0 if rb_b is None else rb_b.inv_mass) # Relative velocity rv = (Vector() if rb_b is None else rb_b.velocity) - \ (Vector() if rb_a is None else rb_a.velocity) # Relative velocity along collision normal collision_norm = col.sep.clone() collision_norm.normalize() vel_along_norm = if vel_along_norm > 0: return # Calculate restitution e = max(0 if rb_a is None else rb_a.bounciness, 0 if rb_b is None else rb_b.bounciness) # Calculate impulse scalar j = -(1 + e) * vel_along_norm j /= inv_mass_a + inv_mass_b # Apply the impulse impulse = j * collision_norm if rb_a is not None and not rb_a.static: rb_a.velocity -= impulse * rb_a.inv_mass if rb_b is not None and not rb_b.static: rb_b.velocity += impulse * rb_b.inv_mass # Position correction percent = 0.2 # usually 20% to 80% interpolation slop = 0.01 # usually 0.01 to 0.1 correction threshold correction = max(col.sep.magnitude - slop, 0) / ( inv_mass_a + inv_mass_b) * percent * collision_norm if rb_a is not None and not rb_a.static: rb_a.sprite.pos -= rb_a.inv_mass * correction if rb_b is not None and not rb_b.static: rb_b.sprite.pos += rb_b.inv_mass * correction # Friction # Relative velocity rv = (Vector() if rb_b is None else rb_b.velocity) - \ (Vector() if rb_a is None else rb_a.velocity) # Tangent vector tangent = rv - * collision_norm tangent.normalize() # Solve for magnitude to apply along the friction vector jt = jt /= inv_mass_a + inv_mass_b # Calculate mu if rb_a is None: mu = rb_b.friction elif rb_b is None: mu = rb_a.friction else: mu = math.sqrt((rb_a.friction**2) + (rb_b.friction**2)) # Calculate friction impulse if abs(jt) < j * mu: friction_impulse = jt * tangent # "Static friction" else: friction_impulse = -j * tangent * mu # "Dynamic friction" if rb_a is not None and not rb_a.static: rb_a.velocity -= friction_impulse * rb_a.inv_mass if rb_b is not None and not rb_b.static: rb_b.velocity += friction_impulse * rb_b.inv_mass
[docs] def fixed_update(self): """The update loop""" if not self.static: self.physics()