Source code for rubato.classes.scene

THe Scene class which is a collection of groups. It also houses the current
scene camera. Scenes come with a default group that everything is added to if
no other groups are specified.
from typing import List, Union, TYPE_CHECKING
from rubato.classes import Camera, Group

    from rubato.classes import Sprite

[docs]class Scene: """ A scene is a collection of groups. Attributes: root (Group): The base group of sprites in the scene. camera (Camera): The camera of this scene. id (str): The id of this scene. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Initializes a scene with an empty collection of sprites, a new camera, and a blank id. """ self.root: Group = Group() = Camera() str = ""
[docs] def add( self, item: Union["Sprite", "Group", List[Union["Sprite", "Group"]]]): """ Adds an item to the root group. Args: item: The item or list of items to add. """ self.root.add(item)
[docs] def remove(self, item: Union["Sprite", "Group"]): """ Removes an item from the root group. Args: item: The item to remove. """ self.root.remove(item)
def private_draw(self): self.root.draw() def private_update(self): self.update() self.root.update() def private_fixed_update(self): self.fixed_update() self.root.fixed_update() def private_setup(self): self.setup() self.root.setup()
[docs] def setup(self): """The start loop for this scene. It is run before the first frame.""" pass
[docs] def update(self): """ The update loop for this scene. Is empty by default an can be overridden. """ pass
[docs] def fixed_update(self): """ The fixed update loop for this scene. Is empty by default an can be overridden. """ pass