Source code for rubato.classes.sprite
A sprite is a basic element that holds components, postion, and z_index.
from typing import List, Union, TYPE_CHECKING
from rubato.classes.components import Hitbox
from rubato.utils import Vector, Configs
from rubato.utils.error import ComponentNotAllowed, DuplicateComponentError, Error
from rubato.classes.component import Component
[docs]class Sprite:
The base sprite class.
pos (Vector): The current position of the sprite.
z_index (int): The z_index of the sprite.
components (List[Component]): All the components attached to this
[docs] def __init__(self, options: dict = {}):
Initializes a sprite.
options: A sprite config. Defaults to the |default| for
param = Configs.sprite_defaults | options
self.pos: Vector = param["pos"]
self.z_index: int = param["z_index"]
self.__components: List["Component"] = []
def components(self):
return self.__components
[docs] def add(self, component: "Component") -> "Sprite":
Add a component to the sprite.
component: The component to add.
DuplicateComponentError: Raised when there is already a component
of the same type on the sprite.
ComponentNotAllowed: Raised when an added component conflicts with
another component.
Sprite: The current sprite
comp_type = type(component)
if isinstance(component, Hitbox):
component._pos = lambda: self.pos # pylint: disable=protected-access
if any(isinstance(comp, comp_type) for comp in self.components):
raise DuplicateComponentError(
"There is already a component of type " + str(comp_type) +
" on this sprite")
for not_allowed in component.not_allowed:
if any(not_allowed == type(c).__name__ or any(
not_allowed == base.__name__ for base in type(c).__bases__)
for c in self.components):
raise ComponentNotAllowed(
"The component of type " + not_allowed +
" conflicts with another component on the sprite.")
component.sprite = self
return self
[docs] def remove(self, comp_type: type):
Removes a component from the sprite.
comp_type: The type of the component to remove.
Warning: The component was not on the sprite and nothing
was removed.
if self.get(comp_type) is not None:
del self.components[self.components.index(
raise Warning("The component of type " + str(comp_type) +
" is not on this sprite as was not removed.")
[docs] def get(self, comp_type: type) -> Union["Component", None]:
Gets a component from the sprite.
comp_type: The type of the component to search for.
Union[Component, None]: The component if it was found or None if it
for comp in self.components:
if isinstance(comp, comp_type):
return comp
return None
def check_required(self):
for comp in self.components:
for required in comp.required:
# Checks if required matches either the class or the parent
if not any(required == type(c).__name__ or any(
required == base.__name__
for base in type(c).__bases__)
for c in self.components):
raise Error("The component " + str(comp) +
" is missing its requirements")
[docs] def setup(self):
Run after initialization and before update loop begins
for comp in self.components:
def fixed_update(self):
for comp in self.components:
[docs] @staticmethod
def center_to_tl(center: Vector, dims: Vector) -> Vector:
Converts center coordinates to top left coordinates
center: The top left coordinate as a Vector
dims: The width and the height of the item as a sprite as a Vector
Vector: The new coordinates.
return (center - (dims / 2)).ceil()