Source code for rubato.input

The Input module is the way you collect input from the user.

    key (pygame.key): The pygame key module.
    mouse (pygame.mouse): The pygame mouse module.
import pygame as pg
from rubato.utils import Vector

key = pg.key
mouse = pg.mouse

[docs]def is_pressed(char: str) -> bool: """ Checks if a key is pressed. Args: char: The name of the key to check. Returns: bool: Whether or not the key is pressed. """ return key.get_pressed()[key.key_code(char)]
[docs]def mouse_over(center: Vector, dims: Vector = Vector(1, 1)) -> bool: """ Checks if the mouse is inside a rectangle defined by its center and dimensions Args: center: The center of the rectangle. dims: The dimensions of the rectangle. Defaults to Vector(1, 1). Returns: bool: Whether or not the mouse is in the defined rectangle. """ top_left = (center - dims / 2).ceil() bottom_right = (center + dims / 2).ceil() mouse_pos = Vector(*mouse.get_pos()) return (top_left.x <= mouse_pos.x <= bottom_right.x and top_left.y <= mouse_pos.y <= bottom_right.y)