Source code for rubato.sound

A fully functional, multi-channel sound system.

from os import path, walk
from pygame import mixer

from rubato.utils.error import IdError

_loaded_sounds: dict[str, mixer.Sound] = {}

[docs]def loaded_sounds() -> dict[str, mixer.Sound]: """ A dictionary of all the loaded sounds. The keys are the filename. Returns: dict[str, pygame.mixer.Sound]: The returned dictionary. """ return _loaded_sounds
[docs]def import_sound(rel_path: str, sound_name: str): """ Imports a sound and saves it in the loaded_sounds dictionary with the key being the sound_name. Args: rel_path: The relative path to the sound file you wish to import. sound_name: The name of the sound. """ sound = mixer.Sound(rel_path) _loaded_sounds[sound_name] = sound
[docs]def import_sound_folder(rel_path: str): """ Imports a folder of sounds, saving each one in the loaded_sounds dictionary by filename. Args: rel_path: The relative path to the folder you wish to import. """ for _, _, files in walk(rel_path): # walk to directory path and ignore name and subdirectories for sound_path in files: path_to_sound = path.join(rel_path, sound_path) _loaded_sounds[sound_path.split(".")[0]] = mixer.Sound( path_to_sound)
[docs]def get_sound(sound_name: str) -> mixer.Sound: """ Gets the sound based on the sound name. Args: sound_name: The name of the sound. Raises: IdError: No sound is associated to the sound name. Returns: mixer.Sound: The sound. """ try: return _loaded_sounds[sound_name] except KeyError as e: raise IdError(f"No sound with the name {sound_name} found") from e
[docs]def play_sound(sound_name: str, loops: int = 0): """ Plays a sound. Args: sound_name: The name of the sound to play. loops: The number of times to loop a sound after the first play through. Use -1 to loop forever. Defaults to 0. """ if mixer.find_channel() is None: mixer.set_num_channels(mixer.get_num_channels() + 1) get_sound(sound_name).play(loops)
[docs]def stop_sound(sound_name: str): """ Stops a sound. Args: sound_name: The name of the sound to stop. """ get_sound(sound_name).stop()