Source code for rubato.utils.display
Global display class that allows any file to access the
displayed screen.
from pygame import Surface, display
import os
global_display = Surface((0, 0))
[docs]def set_display(new_surface: Surface):
Set the global display.
new_surface: The new surface to set.
global global_display
global_display = new_surface
[docs]def update(surface: Surface, pos: tuple):
Update the current display.
surface: The surface to draw on the display.
pos: The position to draw the surface on.
global_display.blit(surface, pos)
[docs]def set_window_position(x: int, y: int):
Set the position of the Pygame window.
x: The x position.
y: The y position.
os.environ["SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS"] = f"{x}, {y}"
[docs]def set_window_name(name: str):
Set the title of the PyGame window.
name: The name of the PyGame window.