Source code for rubato.utils.math

A more complete math class.

    INFINITY (float): The max value of a float.
from typing import Union

INFINITY = float('inf')

[docs]def clamp(a: Union[float, int], lower: Union[float, int], upper: Union[float, int]) -> float: """ Clamps a value. Args: a: The value to clamp. lower: The lower bound of the clamp. upper: The upper bound of the clamp. Returns: float: The clamped result. """ return min(max(a, lower), upper)
[docs]def sign(n: Union[float, int]) -> int: """ Checks the sign of n. Args: n: A number to check. Returns: int: The sign of the number. (1 for positive, -1 for negative) """ return (n > 0) - (n < 0)
[docs]def lerp(a: Union[float, int], b: Union[float, int], t: float) -> float: """ Linearly interpolates between lower and upper bounds by t Args: a: The lower bound. a: The upper bound. t: Distance between upper and lower (1 gives b, 0 gives a). Returns: float: The lerped value. """ t = clamp(t, 0, 1) return (t * b) + ((1 - t) * a)