Getting Started#

Rubato is designed so that you can get started quickly and focus on what matters.


Installing Rubato is easy! Just run:

(.venv) $ pip install rubato


A virtual environment is recommended
Python >= 3.10 required


To get started, import rubato and initilize it.

import rubato as rb


Rubato is uses a sprite based system. This means that everything you see on screen is a Sprite. Sprites can have components attached to them. Components is what gives a sprite functionality. For example, you can attach an Image or a RigidBody.

To add a sprite to the screen, you need to create a new Scene. Then you need to add the scene to the Scene Manager. Finally, you can create a sprite and add it to the scene.

scene = rb.Scene()

image = rb.Sprite({
    "pos": rb.Vector(100, 100),


The code above creates an image at position (100, 100). Since no image path is given, Rubato will use the default image (a pink and black square).

You might notice that after running this code, nothing happens. Thats because the game loop hasn’t started. To start the game loop run:


Now when running this you should see a small pink and black square draw on your screen!

To learn how to do specific things, look at the Tutorials Page